
" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis risus leo elementum in malesuada an darius ut augue. Cras sit amet lectus et justo feugiat euismod sed non erat. Nulla non felis id metus bibendum iaculis quis de amet eros. Nam suscipito mollis tellus metropolis veil malesuada duis danos an molestie... "


It’s Prom Time! Which means you have probably been daydreaming about this night only for the entire school year! With so much to look forward to, what are you most excited for this Prom 2017? What are your #PromGoals? Chances are, you probably already have a list of prom goals you would like to accomplish – but keep reading to hear about what is giving Golden Asp major PromGoals envy! Dream Dress. You have imagined it, and you probably even have sketched it – and  ow, it’s all you can think about! It’s time to wake up from that dream and make that gown a reality! Prom Dress Shopping. ...

Prom Dress Shopping

The 6 Rules of Prom Dress Shopping: We know how excited you must be to start shopping for your dress and we also know how overwhelmed you might be feeling about finding the perfect one. With a wide variety of styles in-stores and online, from trendy to timeless, we’ve got you covered! We guarantee you’ll find the right one for you, as long as you go in knowing a few key rules! Now, KEEP CALM AND SHOP PROM! Rule number 1: Research what’s trending. Whether or not you want to follow them, knowing what’s trending can be a huge help when you’re out shopping. You’ll have a better idea of what...


You may think that finding the perfect dress is the biggest mission you will have to overcome this prom season, but that’s not entirely true – making sure your dress fits perfect actually is.  But, never fear – we have a few tips that will ensure your gown ends up fitting you like a glove! First, you should know that your best bet when buying a dress is actually going up a size. Now, don’t freak out; that doesn’t mean your gown is going to be falling down while you’re on the dance floor – your seamstress is going to alter the gown ensuring that it hugs your body in all the right places. By ...

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